Side-note: I'm a little late to the "can-wagon", but I just wanted to say "great job!" to Chris+Lynn for their "Cans for Comments" idea. It's a great reminder to get out and support your community. For the Yaletown area, two organizations that could use your help are A Loving Spoonful and Yaletown House.
Getting back to the walk, we were pretty busy in the morning, so we only caught the tail-end of the annual parade. Most of the crowds were gone by that time, but that actually proved an advantage in being able to get around and check things out!
This reindeer was a little tangled up, but nonetheless happy ...

A brave knight and his trusty steed ...

This mirror ball was reflecting the neon sign above

Waiting for Mom

Posing for pictures

Santa welcomes you!

Little known fact ... elves enjoy hitting the slopes when not making toys.

A snap from our gingerbread couple engagement photo session ... looking forward to the wedding! ;>

Tim Horton's tries to outdo the starbuck's "Venti" [this is also how much coffee i have in the morning.]

Food donation boxes well stocked! ... something about those crooked smiles doesn't seem quite right though ...

The Contemplative Mannequin ...

St. Paul's annual "Lights of Hope" display

Part of St. Paul's light display

A wall outside "The Electra" (the old BC Hydro Electric building that was converted to condominiums)

Walking off into the sunset ...

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Thanks for the shout-out! And fun images from the parade!