I think I am a silent ninja when taking photos, but obviously not as incognito as I was hoping. However, I like the way it's only the one soldier looking over, kind of makes the photo.

Best view going!

Self-explanatory :)

I would have liked to get closer, but it was very crowded out there. I had to hold the camera above my head at full arm's length just to get a glimpse of the bands faces.

For medicinal use only ...

Trying to catch the sombre mood of the parade.

Despite the rain, many people came out to line the parade route and honour the soldiers.

Who needs an umbrella when you have a custom tailored plastic suit.

Taking a moment from barking orders to stare me down.

A moment of humour

Leading the marching band along Hastings Street

I kept waiting and waiting for the little girl to turn her face a little, but she was too engrossed in watching the parade.

The fine mist you see on his horn is the same that was on my camera gear. Argh!

Bagpipe players are the original punk rockers, they don't care what others think.

It's a shame the raincoat hides the medals of this proud soldier, but his salute tells the tale.

Soldiers getting more stylish, are those Armani frames?

I'm not sure exactly how to differentiate the soldier's uniforms ... are these captains in front, with privates in the back?

Love the Scottish influence on these uniforms.

And the band played on ...

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